I was up super late supporting my daughter with her virtual high school assignments so I am fuzzy brained today. I have been having random thoughts about things I think are quirky about me that I wonder if other people do, so I thought I'd brainstorm a list!
- I love rippled potato chips dipped in ranch
- Fresh, crisp, clean sheets are the best to crawl into
- I can't walk past items misplaced in a store without at least leaving them somewhere obvious. If it's something that should be refrigerated and is still cold, I'll go out of my way to put it back.
- Speaking of stores, I can't just leave my cart somewhere, it must be somewhere it goes, which is why I usually park by a cart corral.
- When I plate food for my family, I always pick one of the plates for myself. However, it's usually not about the food itself. Every once in awhile I'll pick the piece of meat I want for me or if there's something I really like, I might give myself just a little bit more. But it's usually something weirdly mundane, like I prefer one plate pattern over another, or I like how the food looks plated on one plate over another. Every time, I feel silly and strangely pleased by giving it to myself.
- It really bugs me when Tostito Scoops are eaten plain...they're scoops!
- Gunky toothpaste or any other openings gross me out - salad dressing, lotion, the dried milk around the opening...ick
- My house is often a mess, but if people leave a cup or bottle in my cupholder in my vehicle, I get upset. I bet that's crazy-making for my family! I think this is because my car is a smaller space and thus I feel I can keep it tidy and organized, while my house is shared with three others and I have some resignation -- something for me to take to my coach!
I'm sure there are a gazillion more, probably there are quirks that I don't even realize are more unique to me and not mainstream.
The bottom line is how we think about these quirks we have. Writing this list, I'm not thinking, "These are wrong" or some other derogatory thought. I'm actually enjoying thinking of these quirky things and I'm thinking, "Ha! Aren't humans silly creatures?!"
I started this blog two weeks ago -- what's great about it is I've spent these two weeks looking for my quirks and loving them. In addition, I've been noticing the quirks of my family, and I've been practicing loving those, as well! I'm also noticing the quirky things I already love...and taking the opportunity to tell my loved ones what I love about them, especially when it's not something they would expect.
What if YOU spent time appreciating the goofy ways YOU show up in the world? What if you loved your quirks fully? What are the quirks you can't love in yourself and others? What if you just love those, too?
Practice taking just one step, one baby step, towards loving those quirks. Let me know what arises and what delightful discoveries you make!
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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash |
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